trust me, i have a pineapple!

‘Trust me, I have a pineapple!’ was a saying we used at a bank when people would try and convince us to buy something, however was so complex that nobody could really understand the implications.  Invariably, when we did the work to simplify the opportunity to something we could collectively comprehend, the solution was always easier get done.

Chris Parker, the creator of, was confronted with two fundamentally different emotions over a summer when working with two different companies.  One was a small vehicle rental company run by a husband and wife.  They have a wonderful proposition however were missing some basic knowledge and tactics on how to further improve and scale their business.  The other business was a start-up in Amsterdam, funded by a large corporate, and had highly experience people working on it, however it failed to create a simple value proposition.

What if there was a way to simplify the basic challenges of a business so the entrepreneur could refine and experiment until things started to sail?  What resulted was the Simplicity Scan.

Originally just an idea, and then through many conversations with executives and entrepreneurs, the scan moved from notes from meetings into a structure.  This structure was then provided to people both in person and via email and video.

What has resulted is a simple tool where an entrepreneur can write down simple statements about the business and then reflect how it feels.  We know it’s true that if it doesn’t feel good, it won’t end well! is a gift to the world  – so you can make your own work more joyful and meaningful!

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