


nick van breda

innovator creator – the netherlands

release date: 6 september 2020



I started as a misfit, became an activist and developed skills to become a practivist: AKA someone who sees problems as opportunities to tackle. I have been awarded by Forbes to be one of the 1500 under 30 changemakers, while I developed into a serial social entrepreneur. This rollercoaster ride was exciting and I would love to give others that have been in similar situation (feeling not understood and alone, coming up for their rights but not knowing how, willing to invent solutions and solving societal quests) the toolkits to do so as well. Now I am on the mission to train 1 million people before the age of 30 to turn their activism and insecurities into their skills to make a positive impact and live a life in abundance.

Prepare your classroom to teach in VR through our dedicated classroom in Altspace, start hosting fire chats, give company keynotes in an immerse new way to your colleagues and stay fit by practising your sports in VR

REMOTE WORKING & TEACHING IN VR (Also accessible with a laptop)

Technology is becoming better and less expensive every year. Hardware products like VR headsets become consumer products to buy (like printers) and with software we democratize and digitize the things we used to have in our hands back in the 90s. Did you know that a smartphone these days would have cost over 120.000 Euro if you would have to buy every ‘app’ today as an item, like a camera? Well, today weirdly enough we still learn from books, while the kids are learning through playing videogames. With their 3D mindset, they master agility and adaptability but also problem-solving skills in a safe environment, just like we used to train people to go to Mars and train them in very expensive simulations, that is now affordable for many through playing immersive games. VR is one of the most promising shifts and it happens to be loved by over 90% of its users. If you look at a random VR video on youtube you will recognize how much fun and excitement it gives people. But what we like the most about VR is not just the fun element but the learning and collaboration element. Within seconds you are in a different world hanging out with colleagues and students from all over the world. In February I was happy to be invited by the biggest community “Educators in VR” to speak at your annual summit and I took that chance with both hands. Underneath Dana-Maria Faneker is hosting me as a day host and I am speaking on stage to an open crowd of people that can freely walk in. Filmed by a Livestream film bot. Over 5500 people attended this summit of a week, coming from all over the world.


The TedxTalk about Bio clock: https://youtu.be/8UaBJ1zR0Ys
TedxTalks about Nick’s backstory: http://bit.ly/TEDxNick2
His VR/AR and hybrid event website nickvanbreda.com/vr
Exponential Community: https://www.openexo.com/
The library for sharing technology is: http://permanentfuturelab.wiki 

The conversations on The Business Simplicity Podcast are inspired by the Simple Business Design framework, which is described in detail in the Simplicity Toolkit.  Get it below for free!

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This episode is part of the OpenExO series.

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