


martin de rood

it supply manager

the netherlands

14 july 2021

Martin shared his journey recently from being inspired as the IT Supply Manager to organise a Sustainability Sprint with many of his colleagues.  He shares where his interest and passion in sustainability comes from, and how Van Oord is taking this challenge very seriously.  We have a fun conversation reflecting back on the sprint – where Chris was a coach – and discuss the impact it has made on the participants and how this has accelerated their sustainability ambitions.


Born many years to early in 1967 in Rotterdam I grew up in the middle of farmland and cows.Always had a big of interest in technology, and had a real need to understand how things worked.

After my school years I spent 5 years in the military, where I developed a big interest in computers. After that found my career in IT, starting on the servicedesk of WordPerfect

Many moons and jobs later I am a married man, living in Schiedam with my wife, sun and daughter who are both studying and 2 cats. In my spare time I like to play around with my drone’s, 3d printer and being out in nature.

My interest in all the rapid evolving technological developments around us is as big as ever, so my job as IT Supply Manager at Van Oord fits like a glove. Can’t wait to see where we will be 50 years from now!

The farm background, parents that had a big love for nature, family and job all sparked my passion for sustainability.

It’s time to clean up the mess we created in the past, and save this beautiful earth for generations to come.


Discover the Sustainability Scan and Sprint: https://www.qhuba.com/diensten/sustainability/sustainabilityscan/

Learn about how Van Oord transformed Dubai with the Palm Islands project: https://www.vanoord.com/en/projects/transformation-dubai/

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