


janice mandel

voice tech storyteller

united states

12 may 2021

Janice shares her journey over the years as a journalist covering emerging technologies and her perspective as part of the Ethical Use Task Force community of the Open Voice Network.  We discuss some of the issues that can arise through the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which drives voice assistants.  She dives into some amazing possibilities of the value of voice, with a particular focus on how this can be a benefit for the blind and visually impaired.  This is part of the Open Voice Network series of conversations.


I craft the stories of profit and nonprofit organizations that foster community connection, facilitate responsible (“ethical”) technology integration, and result in positive outcomes for society. I follow development of adding voice to the array of platforms and interfaces.


Read more about the Soundscape technology from Microsoft, which enables users to customize landmarks on a map delivered as 3D sound: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/product/soundscape/

Discover the IrisVision product: https://irisvision.com/product/

Learn about the MyEye product from Orcam: https://www.orcam.com/en/myeye2/

This episode is part of the Open Voice Network series.

The Open Voice Network is a neutral, non-profit industry association dedicated to the development of the standards and ethical use guidelines that will make voice worthy of user trust. It operates as a directed fund of The Linux Foundation, and is independently funded and governed.​

The conversations on The Business Simplicity Podcast are inspired by the Simple Business Design framework, which is described in detail in the Simplicity Toolkit.  Get it below for free!

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